
Calogero Diana

Calogero has worked as a Broker within many different industries across the globe, cultivating a remarkable international network. He is now devoting his passion and full-time commitment as the founder of CDM INVEST PRODUCTION.

He has a extensive understanding of broking, trading and contract sales in investment and oil and gas industries, allowing him to finalise contracts for several million dollars.

Calogero is able to have multilingual meetings, due to his knowledge of Italian, English, Spanish and French.

When not working he loves to share time with his family and friends. His hobbies include the love for food, fashion and different sporting activities.

Between 2016 to 2018 Calogero had the privilege and honour to cooperate with a member of the Dubai Royal Family.

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Angelica Ivana Ascolese

A Law Student currently participating on the course Mergers and Acquisitions (LLAW6224 ) with 6 credits at HKU (Hong Kong University) preparing to apply to the HKU PCLL course, to follow a successful legal career as a Corporate lawyer in Hong Kong.

For the latter reason, she decided to enrol in her home university's ‘Company Law & Capitalism’ module. Although it was a higher level of difficulty that is often studied during the final year of law school, she received a First-class mark in the in-person exam.

"Enrolling in the latter course I was able to put into practice my critical thinking, which the law school has been teaching me, as well as the chance to think out of the box. Furthermore, I have developed a high capability of working well under pressure and being efficient while having many deadlines approaching."

Angelica has a strong passion for negotiations and she has been selected to participate in the LawCareersNetLIVE, developing her skills of persuasion during the Ropes & Gray LLP workshop and introducing her to the world of debt finance during the Kirkland & Ellis LLP workshop.

A highly-motivated and passionate Law student with a genuine interest in all the legal nuances, with an exceptional curiosity for Company Law and Contract Law.

Her hobbies are martial arts, fashion and culinary culture.